April 26th – 30th is National Playground Safety Week.  This is a great time to discuss playground safety with your child.  Whether your children are at school or with another adult, there will be times when you are not there to supervise their playground activity. 


Here are some good tips to share with your children to empower them to be responsible for their own safety on the playground.

1. Use equipment properly

Remind children how important it is to go down the slide the proper way, to avoid standing on the swings, etc.  They need to know that this is the best way to prevent injuries to themselves and their friends.


2. Check temperatures and weather conditions

Teach your children how the weather conditions can have an impact on the play equipment.  Sunny days could mean the equipment is hot.  Rainy days may mean the equipment is wet and could lead to slips and falls.  Tell them to watch for changes in these conditions and make adjustments as needed.


3. Report broken equipment and inadequate surfacing to an adult

Not only should kids avoid using broken equipment and stay away from places with inadequate surfacing but they should also take the next step to report it.  This way a responsible adult can alert other children to these safety hazards.


4. Be aware of kids in motion

Teaching children to be aware of their surroundings takes time and repetition but is vitally important for avoiding injury.  Remind them to watch for areas where there is moving equipment and to maintain a safe distance from the slide exit.


5. Keep play areas clear

One way to avoid tripping injuries is to keep bikes, backpacks and other items away from the play area. 


6. Remove loose clothing, necklaces or scarves that can get caught on play equipment

This is one that you can go over together before they leave the house.  Remind kids that they should be wearing clothes that are appropriate for playtime, not dress up.


7. Use good safety sense and your manners

Good behavior and manners are even more important on the playground.  Tell your kids to avoid pushing, knocking into or crowding other children on play equipment.


8. Report any injuries

Sometimes falls and injuries do not hurt right away.  If you injure something, especially your head, it is always a good idea to tell a responsible adult so that they can be aware of the injury and monitor it, or have it monitored by a doctor.


9. Be mindful of the people on the playground with you

Teach your kids to speak up if they do not like the way someone is behaving on the playground or if they feel there is a suspicious person that does not belong there.


With a little education and consistency, we can help our kids become more aware of playground safety and their surroundings.




All Recreation is a safety-minded playground and recreational products company.  We provide only IPEMA-certified playground equipment and have vast knowledge about the safety surfacing beneath the playground.  Our Recreational Specialists are Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSIs), and bring these credentials to every project.