If you are considering purchasing site amenities for your recreation or outdoor space, there are many opportunities to customize your products. Choosing a unique color scheme, creating a customized plaque, and designing a bench with a school name included in the backrest are a few ways that you can personalize your amenities to fit your style. Many people love the idea of customization because it sets your products apart, its more attention grabbing than the run-of-the-mill counterparts, and it can be used for specific purposes.
Buddy Benches are a great example of customization because it transforms an ordinary bench into an extraordinary one with a different focus and lots of potential. These benches are used to promote inclusion on the playground by letting other children know that someone is looking for a friend, or for a way to get involved. It evokes a sense of empathy and allows the kids to look out for each other, as well as making new friendships. You can also take meaningful words or ideas and add them to a bench such as “Dream”, “Inspire” or “Integrity” to name a few.
Custom plaques are a great way to show sponsorship, promote a school or business, or as a dedication to a family member or friend. Plaques are very popular due to their long lifespan and their versatility for detailed designs that can include text and illustrations. They can accommodate various sizes and shapes to meet individual needs. They can also be used with several different amenities such as benches and trashcans.
It is possible to fund an entire project by rallying the community and using programs such as Sponsor a Bench. Park and Recreation programs, animal shelters, church groups and many other organizations utilize these programs to improve their outdoor spaces while allowing people to provide a memorial and dedication to others. Your local representative can aid you in this process by determining the best place for the product, as well as choosing the right plaque, plaque placement and wording to represent donor sentiments.
All Recreation has been assisting customers in customizing site amenities for 30 years. Please call us anytime to discuss your specific needs, 1-888-419-001.